Contraceptive Pill

We offer all forms of contraception at Beacon. Women who are considering their contraceptive options in general, should speak with their own GP or a family planning trained practice nurse. Please submit an Online Consultation for further discussion. 

Further information is available here:

Often, women want the convenience of a longer acting form of contraception such as a contraceptive coil, injection or implant. These options offer protection for several years.

Contraceptive Pill Prescriptions

All patients who are on the contraceptive pill need to have a review after the first 3 months of use and every 12 months thereafter.

In order to make the services more efficient for women at Beacon Medical Group, we have reviewed our prescribing and monitoring of the contraceptive pill, under guidance of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health.

The following group of patients can undertake their annual pill check by means of a questionnaire, rather than attending a face to face appointment:

  • Patients currently taking a contraceptive pill

  • The pill must have been prescribed by Beacon Medical Group

  • Patients who are happy with their current contraception

  • Patients who wish to continue taking the pill

Patients will need to complete a contraceptive pill checklist which can be completed online, downloaded below or collected from reception, prior to the appointment. Please submit this with a blood pressure and weight, using the Patient Pod.

Patients who do not fall into the above categories will need to be appointed with a family planning trained nurse or own GP for annual review.

If no concerns are identified following review of the questionnaire, a prescription will be issued for 12 months by the patients own GP, within 5 working days. Prescriptions are not issued on the day. If you need to be seen, the doctor will arrange an appropriate appointment.

Patients are advised to seek advice between planned visits if they have any concerns or develop major illness, migraine (or worsening thereof), take new medication or if a first degree relative (sibling or parent) develops cardiovascular / thromboembolic disease before age 45 or breast cancer.

Please do not hesitate to feedback any questions or comments in order that we can improve the service further.