Its time to start treating seasonal Hay Fever by using your steroid nasal spray now!

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As spring approaches, it’s time for hay fever sufferers to take action. Experts recommend starting your steroid nasal spray treatment now, approximately 1-2 weeks before the expected start of symptoms.

Steroid nasal sprays are highly effective in reducing nasal inflammation and mucus production, but they require time to reach maximum effectiveness. By beginning treatment early, you’ll ensure the medication is working at its full potential when pollen counts start to rise.

For those with known allergies to tree pollen, which typically begins in March, it’s especially crucial to start treatment this month. If you’re more affected by grass pollen, mid-March is the time to begin.

Consistent daily use is key to maintaining protection throughout the hay fever season. If you are unsure about which product to use or how to use it correctly, consult your local pharmacist or our Pharmacy team for guidance.

By taking proactive steps now, you can reduce the impact of hay fever symptoms. For more information please click here